Ngozi E. Nwaesei

phone: 313-961-2550
fax: 313-961-1270
email: email me

Ngozi E. Nwaesei is the Chair of the Firm’s Real Estate Practice Group. Ngozi's primary area of practice is real estate transactions, including, but not limited to: affordable housing developments; commercial leases; real estate financing; and real property acquisition and disposition. Ngozi has extensive experience in real estate development and lending in the City of Detroit and over a decade of experience with federal block grant programs (including, but not limited to, CDBG and HOME) and other various development incentives. Her clientele includes developers, municipalities, and public authorities in the State of Michigan. The diversity of her clients allows her to be involved in complex and unique real estate development projects that combine her legal expertise with her practical understanding of the economic development process.

  • AREAS OF PRACTICEAffordable Housing Transactions, Commercial and Real Estate Transactions, Leases, and Real Property Acquisition and Disposition.
  • EDUCATIONJD, Case Western Reserve University; BA, Wayne State University


  • Real Property Section, State Bar of Michigan
  • National Association of Minority and Women Owned Law Firms (NAMWOLF)